
Amplify Science



Amplify Science is an engaging curriculum for grades K–8. It integrates the latest and best practices in the teaching and learning of science. Every unit in this curriculum comes with materials for students to conduct hands-on activities. In addition, students will engage in readings, develop evidence-based scientific written arguments, and explore digital applications. 

For example, in third grade, the program covers topics such as balancing forces, inheritance and traits, environments and survival, and weather and climate. Through hands-on experiments and inquiry-based lessons, students learn about how forces work, why animals and plants look like their parents, how living things adapt to their environments, and the differences between weather and climate. The curriculum focuses on real-world problem-solving to encourage kids to think like scientists and engineers.


Amplify Science 是一套适用于 K-8 年级的引人入胜的课程。它整合了科学教学中的最新和最佳实践。该课程的每个单元都配有供学生开展实践活动的材料。此外,学生还将参与阅读、撰写以证据为基础的科学论文并探索数字应用。
